Friday, July 19, 2013

Whew...I worked out.../First 5k training/My somewhere in Fitness

I returned not too long ago from my first day of training for a 5k.  Now, before you stop reading, I am not normally a running type of person.  I have never consistently worked out, actually.  I'm not proud of that fact.  That is just how it is.  I've dabbled at attempts in the past, had gym memberships, worked out for maybe a month or two at a time, and then because of schedule or finances or physical problems or moving or whatever, I stopped.  But I don't know if I've ever actually had a fitness goal, specifically of something to achieve fitness-wise.  Well, now I do.  I decided I want to run a 5k this summer.  For me, this is kind of a big deal, because I had a C-section just under 3 months ago.  And now, because of schedule (being gone) and my physical limitations, etc. I am training for this thing in just under three weeks.  Am I crazy?  Yes.  But am I determined to do it no matter what?  Yes.  Probably the bad thing for me is I'm determined to do this 5k whether I am in shape or not.  My goal is not to run it nor race it, but if I finish it, I will be one happy lady.  :)  This is my somewhere in fitness.  I am taking this step.  It's a leap of faith.  And those that know me well think I'm crazy.  But, I guess if they didn't think I was crazy, I wouldn't be taking chances.  And I desperately need to get in shape: for many reasons including my health.  Last week I found a website that had a couch-to-5k in one month training schedule that someone did, so that is what I'm attempting.  Although, now my 4 weeks has turned into 3 because of procrastination.  But, this is the plan I am doing.  I encourage you to try a 5k too.  Oh, and I recruited a few women from my local MOPS group to join me who are also not in shape at all and totally starting from scratch, so that I won't feel like an idiot doing this myself.  I asked for volunteers.  Don't worry.  And, now I'm documenting my journey.  Accountability is nice.  Enough about me.  Here is the link to the training plan:

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