Tuesday, March 3, 2015

To do list today.

This is the top of my real-life "To do" list today. 
But amazingly, it's not what I feel my focus for the year is to be. 
I am a New Year's Resolution-maker.  Yep, I admit it.  I don't make resolutions for the sake of making them, but it is a great time, each year, to evaluate what you are doing well, what you are lacking in, make goals, and live intentionally instead of letting life pass you by, and seeing important things undone. 
This year, I felt like God was telling me to "focus on (my) health."  I have had some underlying health issues and been overweight for too long, and have gone through 3 C-sections within the last 4 years (more posts to follow on this), so my main focus as far as goals go is to focus on getting healthy.  I truly hope this is the year for that.  However, does that mean I let the other areas of my life slack? 
Last year the overarching theme of the year was getting out of debt.  See past post for more on that.  We're getting close.  Within a year, pending any emergencies, we should be debt-free.  But after moving in November, getting dental work done, getting some much-needed new clothes that fit, renewing multiple licenses, etc. etc. let's just say we haven't made as quick of progress in 2015.     
Does anyone else hate working on finances?
I've learned, over time, that I like to see the numbers add up and I love the free-feeling I get when I pay off debt, and stay with-in our budget and have extra to spare.  But, most months, it doesn't happen and it's depressing.  But is avoiding it helping?  Nope, tried that.  For the last 3 months or so!  I didn't completely avoid it, and we paid our minimum payment on the one debt we have left, but it's time to keep better track again and work my butt off so I can see $0 in our family's budget owed to anyone.  My older brother announced that today he is 100% debt free. I'm proud of him.  Now it's my turn.  So, goodbye I go to figure out where we're at, and hopefully, find "extra" to pay off that last pending, but biggest loan we have, which was my hubby's college education 10 years ago.  :)

(disclaimer....the next item on my to-do list is memorizing one verse in the Bible, not the whole book.)